Information for churches

Information for churches

Over the last two or three decades many churches have lost touch with their young people.

Part of this stems from changes in schooling and wider society, but in our view, it also stems from many churches relying too much on one or two e.g. youth leaders (who inevitably move on over time), rather than the church members themselves finding new and innovative ways to connect the older and younger generations, using their youth leaders more as a way to make this happen than as being the only points of contact.

The problem can be shown pictorially in the two pictures below.

In picture 1 the older and younger members of the congregation rarely meet, relying instead on a few individuals to pass on the faith of the church to the young. This inevitably creates stress for those few people “in the middle” whom the church is relying on far too much to carry out its inter-generational mission.

But picture 2 is very different – there is engagement at all levels and across all ages, and the faith of older generations is naturally passed on to younger ones. And, as younger people get older themselves and have families, the cycle can continue. It is surely the solution to possibly the most significant challenge facing the Christian Church today in the UK.

So how does it work?

We see five steps to making this happen:

  1. Older members of a church becoming aware of the challenge of re-engaging with younger generations and viewing the unique solution proposed by The Rev. Ted Baines Charity as part of the answer
  2. Churches encouraging the younger people of their churches and communities, and members encouraging their own children and grand-children (if born after 1 January 1990) both to fundraise and to approach The Rev Ted Baines Charity charity for a matched-funding grant. Click here to apply for a grant
  3. Each church nominating one individual to be the link between the Charity and the older and younger members of that church or community. For example this might involve asking the younger person to come to a service to explain what they are doing and why its important to them, some older members of a congregation going to the fundraising event to support it, and then inviting back the younger person to say/show what they had achieved
  4. Initially the matched-funding grants can be sustained using the money already available within The Rev. Ted Baines Charity. However, if it is to be continued and grow, churches will need to start up their own funds or donate to The Rev. Ted Baines Charity (restricting the gift to a specific church or community if they would like) to provide the necessary funds
  5. If you would like us to come to present to or speak in your church we would be happy to do so and please email us

Ours is a unique answer to a special challenge.

March 03, 2020

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